Enhancing Happiness

in your Life and Career

Based on the best-selling book One People One Planet

“The knowledge and insights I have gained from this class surpass any other learning experience in my entire life.”

- Student, USU

Life on Earth can be a beautiful experience, but it also comes with heartache, loneliness, and discouragement. Recurring problems cycle through every generation: discrimination, civil unrest, political hatred, and conflicts among nations. 

This course, derived from the best-selling book One People One Planet, lays out a clear path to help us all increase our happiness and live peacefully on this planet. The six universal truths presented —gleaned from the founders of the great world religions, world-renowned philosophers, and cutting-edge research in the field of positive psychology—can help us:

  • Overcome our fabricated egos

  • Refrain from judging other people

  • Engage in healing good deeds

  • Forgive others for their offenses

  • Share the good fortunes in our lives

  • Help the needy in our communities

Discover the inspiring stories of remarkable individuals who have transformed their lives from dark despair to authentic joy, and learn how to apply the same principles in your own life. As you do, you’ll unlock new levels of happiness, improved relationships, and a more fulfilling community. 



We all possess “two selves” in life. One is our “true self” which has tremendous potential to learn, grow, and contribute. The second is our “ego,” which develops based on our experiences, feedback from others, successes, and failures. In other words, it is a fabrication we carry around with us that isn’t who we really are or could become. This “egoic self” sets bounds and limitations on our actions and accomplishments. Participants evaluate their self perceptions and create a plan to alter their limiting beliefs that impact their work and career.


We construct images of other people in the same way we construct images of ourselves. These perceptions are often based on rather superficial cues: color, race, nationality, education, livelihood, etc. The problem is, our perceptions of others are always incomplete and often inaccurate. These biases we develop can lead to personal alienation, divisions between groups, and tension in organizations. Participants learn to evaluate their biases and create plans to become more understanding and inclusive at work.


Good deeds obviously benefit the receivers of the kindness, but they also benefit the givers. Numerous studies show that serving others can significantly improve our health, happiness, relationships, and success in our careers. In addition, doing good deeds helps us realize we have value and something to contribute in the world, which increases our feelings of self-worth and overall life satisfaction. Participants learn to focus on others and various ways they can add more value to team members and the organization.


The more relationships we develop in life, the more likely we are to offend and be offended by others. Holding grudges against people who offend us, however, can canker our souls – it’s like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. Letting go of our anger and forgiving one another is critical for emotional health, satisfying relationships, and civil behavior in organizations. Participants reflect on their feelings toward people at work who have offended them, and create a strategy for letting go of anger and moving on.


Craving for possessions can lead to sorrow when we don’t have them, but obtaining them creates a different set of problems: attachment, greed, hoarding, lust, and fear of losing what we have. Research confirms that an intense love and attachment to material possessions can produce stress and frustration in our lives. Generosity, on the other hand, is related to vitality, self-esteem, and overall quality of life. Participants reflect on their attitude toward possessions, and create a plan to be more generous with their time, talent and resources.


We are all connected as a human family and our actions cause ripples of reactions around us. Hence, if we take care of people in need, we are taking care of ourselves and our communities. When individuals, teams, and organizations participate in community service projects, everyone wins: problems are solved, team members are fulfilled, and the community values the organization. Participants reflect on how they and/or their team can make meaningful contributions in the broader community.

Program Materials

  1. A video based course featuring numerous experts on happiness, relationships, team building, and organizational culture.

  2. The book “One People One Planet: Six Universal Truths for Being Happy Together” by Michael Glauser, entrepreneur, professor, and strategy consultant.

  3. A journal participants use to track their daily actions and progress implementing the six practices in their work and lives.

“The book One People One Planet will forever hold a special place on my shelf, serving as a constant reminder of the invaluable lessons I have acquired throughout this journey.”

— Student